Mind Control Tutorial

Mind control is a process of making any individual loose their control over their own thinking and behavior. Many mind control experiments are done through physical force and violence. You should not confuse Hypnotism with mind control. The two are different terms.

Mind control can be enforced by religion, politics, parents’ behavior etc. Mind control has been related to two syndromes. They are Battered person syndrome and Stockholm syndrome. Battered person syndrome is normally associated with women where she kills the abuser who gave her a long term physical and psychological abuse. Such persons will have low self esteem. Stockholm syndrome is referred to the loyalty and affection by the victim to the abuser.

Mind control tutorial offers you to learn more about our mind. There are several researches about solar system, earth and so on. But we have to learn more about our mind. You can learn from mind control tutorial about how people think, how the thinking of others can be affected by words etc. Mind control tutorial helps you to get relief from negative thoughts and to achieve your goal.

Mind control tutorial can be learnt to make a person unaware of what is going on and you can change his mind by step by step process. Some religious leaders use mind control to change the person’s behavior and get such people to possess more commitment to fulfill their desires and goals.

Mind control tutorial may also create a sense of lacking power in man. Some people use this by taking the persons away from normal social activities. This will eliminate the persons’ confidence. The leader will use the situation and make some inner confusion among persons. But they will not allow speaking about such confusions. This will make them obey their leaders’ comments.

Mind control tutorial often lead to behavior control. Behavior control means the regulation of individual’s real behavior. The persons will have to report about their thoughts, feelings to the leader. They will not allow taking any decisions. Only group thinking is allowed.

Information and thought control is also prevailed. The persons are encouraged to spy other members. They will not be able o analyze any matter rationally. They will develop the habit of obeying the leader without any question. They should not ask any critical question about the leader. Anything the persons think opposite to the leader will be considered illegal.

The mind control tutorial also lead to the thinking that if any thing went wrong that is their mistake only and not the fault of the leader.

Mind Control Techniques

Mind Control is done mainly to change the way of thinking of a person. As some impressive personalities can influence the behavior and emotions of a person, this helps to control their mind.

Mind control techniques not only cover psychological ways but also the physical, as with torture. Brainwashing, behavior modification, coercive persuasion, Charisma, hypnosis, love bombing, truth drugs are used as Mind control techniques.

Coercive persuasion is mainly used for changing the attitude towards a specific principle. This can be successfully used for influencing a group of people. For example, when a leader creates an ideology and his speeches are forming impacts on minds of large numbers of people, he is said to be using the Coercive Persuasion. This method is a mind control technique which is used with the people who are aware of their consciousness. These people are perfectly normal and they follow the leader when his principle is accepted by them.

This mind control technique is used for social rehabilitation, training of armed forces, religious movement, elections. The coercive persuasion is also often perceived as an experiment to force people to change their ideas and beliefs.

Take a look at charisma with regards to mind control. Charisma is the word from Greek the means the divine factor.

Some individuals have a capacity to attract other people towards themselves because of their extra ordinary charm and personality; i.e. charisma. They have some magnetic power which tends to cause followers who are listening and changing their ideas. It is not easy to describe the particular quality of personality which has effect on many people’s mind. Charisma is an almost supernatural capacity to influence, persuade the people. The charismatic personality must have many qualities present in one individua, as many people admire these qualities and are obsessed with such personalities. They can do anything he or she (the charismatic person) says. This is done with in their conscious status.

Hypnosis is another technique used for mind control. It is used by the hypnotherapist for his patient. Normally it is used to solve the problems of patient, about which he or she is aware. Hypnosis stresses ongoing dialogue with subconscious mind, which will change inner thoughts of a person.

A hypnotherapist may use many methods for hypnosis. However, hypnosis is always done with the permission and knowledge of patient. Whereas mind control may be possible with repetition of hypnosis sessions.

When an individual is closely associated with others via the bond of love, he (or she) is influenced by this close mate. This often enables the other person to change the behavior of a person. For example, this technique is very useful for the person who wants to quit smoking. The other person simply has to tell him (or her) how advantageous it is for his and others’ health, for instance.

Mind Control techniques can also be used to scare the people. For instance, violence and torture are physical methods often used to change one’s attitude. Terrorists use violence for controlling the activities of people; They get their work done by manipulating the people. However physical torture is not legally permitted nor these similar unethical and illegal ways of using mind control techniques.

Mind Control Secrets

Hypnosis scares people unnecessarily. For example, many people questions whether or not anybody can control your mind. And the answer is no. In fact, a hypnotist also could not force you to do anything against your will.

A hypnotist can guide you into a hypnotic state. And he or she may make suggestions.

However, you always have the power to reject these.

About Mind Control

Mind control secrets are nothing but the techniques to control your thoughts. You can use these techniques with others too. These techniques can help to boost self confidence, for example, or help with overcoming inhibitions. Here are points about mind control:

1) Mind control secrets are successful if the conscious mind is bypassed and messagesare absorbed by the subconscious mind.

2) Our habits and behavior are controlled by our subconscious mind. The new thought patterns and behaviors are built by subconscious mind. When you want to achieve real change, it must take place at a subconscious level.

3) A brief visual message may not be seen by a person consciously, yet it may be perceived by them at subconscious level. Our mind filters the most of the messages we receive every day so they do not influence us. But the subliminal messages by-pass the conscious mind and go straight to subconscious, where they have lasting impact.

4) You are not aware of the messages if they are properly administered. The conscious mind is not affected by subliminal messages; however, the messages have good impact on the subconscious or deeper mind. Overall success of such techniques is debated.

5) Some messages are presented to the listener at the time when he is listening to normal, casual, everyday messages. In short, the sounds of two different types are ongoing at the same time. Experts believe that while conscious mind is listening to the louder sound, the subconscious is working to hear the lower sound message.

In summary, mind control secrets are for an individual’s control of their own thinking, behavior, emotions, or decisions. Mind control secrets are different than brainwashing. Many mind control secrets have focused on physical or torture as principal methods to force victims to do what they do not want to do. Physical torture affects the functioning of the victim’s nervous systems including the brain.

Such methods are subject of debate among psychologists and neuroscientists and sociologists. Different views on this subject do have legal implications. The important question is how much of the messages are perceived? Some think that unconscious signals could be absorbed only if they are simple. While others say that unconscious cognition is comprehensive and hence much more is perceived than verbalized.

Supporters of subliminal messages claim that they gain influence from the fact that they do by-pass the critical functions of the conscious mind. And so ordinary suggestions are not impressive as subliminal suggestions.

See for yourself. Learn more and give easy hypnosis a try to improve your health.

Many use hypnosis techniques for all types of health issues like losing weight, ceasing smoking and other bad habits, replacing them with new, healthier ones.

Self Hypnosis

Self hypnosis is an effective tool for making positive changes in your mindset as well as your lifestyle. Self hypnosis is a trance-like state of mind in which you can use the technique of auto suggestion. These suggestions will have a greater impact on your psyche and can even be used to help you focus on career goals, self improvement and even to get rid of bad habits like excessive smoking or drinking.

Free self hypnosis guides are easily available from books, magazines, journals or from online sources. In fact there are number of self hypnosis audio CDs available on the internet. You can make use of them to practice some really effective self hypnosis techniques. Hypnosis is safe and there are no side effects involved in this procedure.

Free self hypnosis techniques can help you save thousands of dollars. For instance people spend thousands of dollars on weight loss products. But sometimes they are unable to get the desired result. This is because of the fact that such people make use of all the weight loss products yet their mind still yearns for food. Therefore, they will not get the desired result. In turn, self hypnosis will definitely help in reducing weight as it can change your mindset and help you deal with your weight problems more effectively.

Free self hypnosis techniques:

1) Before starting self hypnosis, determine what you really want to accomplish. Once you set the goals, then you can specify the goals in a hypnotic state. Then find a comfortable place in your home. The room must be peaceful and free from any other disturbance. Early morning is the best time for practicing self hypnosis. However you can also practice in some other time if morning sessions are not your thing.

2) Find a point where you can focus, and focus on this point until you feel sleepy. When your eyes are feeling heavy, close your them. Count up to ten and then count in reverse order. Imagine that you are going up in a staircase to a peaceful place. Once you get into the trance state of mind, start giving auto suggestions to your inner mind. Your suggestions should be in simple and comprehensible words. There should be no confusion. Self hypnosis will provide more benefits for positive suggestions. Hence, do not focus on negative aspects.

3) Take some time to recover from a hypnosis state. Continue practicing self hypnosis techniques so that your mind will practice reaching your goals. Self hypnosis is a successful therapy which requires little effort only. So take your time and practice as many times as possible. This will surely help in achieving your goals.

Free and low-cost self hypnosis programs are available through the internet. There are various self hypnosis CDs to improve self confidence, improve your life, reduce weight, quit smoking, improve conversation and so on. You can anything in your life with the help of self hypnosis techniques.

The only condition for getting success is that you must be clear and specific about your goals. Any misleading or confusing suggestions will lead to a negative mindset. Also remember not to practice self hypnosis techniques while driving or doing some other complicated tasks. Since self hypnosis requires full attention, you should allot a regular time slot for practicing this.

Conversational Hypnosis

Conversational hypnosis is a technique of inducing hypnosis among people with the help of normal but directed conversation. There is a difference between conventional hypnotism and conversational hypnosis. In conventional hypnotism, the hypnotist and patient are engaged in informal interactions.

In spite of this difference, conversational hypnosis is also influential and it can be used to efficiently deal with certain upsets and complicated conditions in the life of a person. This technique is also known to enhance the power of communication.

The initiative behind conversational hypnosis is communication. In this technique, the hypnotist gives confidence to the client to achieve a condition of altered awareness regarding the problem or condition of discussion. A hypnotist tries hard to ask questions or make speeches that force the client to rethink his situation or the problem. Thus, a hypnotist allows substitute situations or thoughts to cure the condition.

It is better if the hypnotists identify with the customers by listening and understanding their conditions while starting a conversational hypnosis session. For example, when a client is striving to come out of a fear of crowds, the hypnotist also should have the same opinion with the client when he expresses his feelings of fear, anxiety and sense of loneliness. He must establish a relationship with the client and should truly show that he is aware of the condition and sees it without a doubt as the client does.

Distraction is the next process of conversational hypnosis. During this process, the hypnotist goes on to divert the mind and feelings of the client by asking questions that drive the mind onto other objectives. The questions are theoretical and a little unbelievable but they challenge the concept of living without hordes of people. The objective behind asking such questions is only to get the client’s mind out of his problem and to create conditions that will help him to come out of that condition. By doing this, other thoughts and solutions can come into the center.

Proposition is the third step of conversational hypnosis. Hypnotists use this process to help the client deal with his or her condition. However, this process is possible only when the client considers other thoughts regarding his problem. A hypnotist can end his conversational hypnosis session with the crowd fearing clients by advising them to be more sociable with people, for instance. On the contrary, he should explain what might happen if the client completely stops his contact with people.

During conversational hypnosis, a hypnotist needs to encourage the trance of the client. In this process, a hypnotist uses specific language to get the client in a satisfactory condition of the mind. This process is same like a spellbinding trance.

The eyes of the client should be open and he should be full alert during the process. Thus, conversational hypnosis is about helping people come to a definite conclusion and making optimistic decisions, which are based on what he can imagine.